Long Drove - Bird Notes

Produced by Vicki Harley for Dickersons

The lagoon occupies part of the landfill site at Long Drove operated by Dickerson Ltd. It was formed in 1998 by subsidence and flooding in an area of old landfill. Birds clearly welcomed this new wetland habitat and it was quickly colonised by waders and wildfowl, to become one of the best spots in Cottenham for birdwatching.

Reworking of the old landfill areas to bring them up to current standards means that the present lagoon will be destroyed. To takes it's place, Dickerson's are creating a new, permanent wetland area in a field next to Long Drove. The new lagoon is designed to suit wading birds and lapwings in particular. The birds will be protected from disturbance by a new hedgerow along the Long Drove boundary, and a simple hide will be provided for birdwatchers.

Bird Notes

These notes are based on information in Cambridgshire Bird Club's database.

A number of species have been under-recorded, e.g. Grey Heron, Mallard, Wigeon.
There are records of flocks of Golden Plover and Northern Lapwing from Long Drove which have not been mentioned in the 'highlights' some of these flocks may well have been using the pools (especially Northern Lapwing).
Records of gulls have not been included in the 'highlights' although gulls do use the pools.
Mew Gull is the new name for Common Gull. European Turtle Dove frequently use the pools.

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