Cottenham Village Art Project: 'Fen in Print'

Prints and drawings of landscapes around Cottenham produced in 2002 by a group of Year Ten GCSE art students at Cottenham Village College. The pictures were created during an intensive week of work with printmaker Tom Martin.

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This special project was initiated and funded by the Environment Audit Group. The week with an 'artist in residence' gave students the opportunity to communicate their ideas and feelings about the countryside, alongside the objective research of the Audit's Boundaries Survey.

These pictures are inspired by visits to two sites in Cottenham Parish - the Old West River (approached from Twenty Pence Road) and the Cottenham Lode at Broad Lane. The students spent a rainy October morning collecting visual references, in the form of quick sketches and photographs.

  At the end of the week an exhibition was put up in Cottenham Village College foyer. Anyone who looked at it could not help but gain fresh insights into the familiar landscapes around our village.

Tom Martin, a young printmaker and painter, lives in Cambridge and works at the Curwen Print Studio in Linton.

The Curwen Print Studio website contains more information about the studio, and further examples of Tom's work.

On completion of the project at CVC, Tom made a generous gift of two of his paintings to the College.

'Natural Sounds' - Acrylic on
paper and mixed media
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