Cottenham Village Design Group

The Cottenham Village Design Group provides a forum to give local people a voice in design, planning and development issues.

The Group publishes the Cottenham Village Design Statement, adopted by South Cambridgeshire District Council as a Supplementary Planning Document.

The Design Group also make comments on planning applications in the light of the Village Design Statement, and holds meetings, talks and other events.

AGM 2015

Tuesday 24 March 2015, 7.45pm

Cottenham Community Centre Coffee Shop

PLEASE NOTE - this will be an important meeting which will determine the future of the group.

For details and previous events see our events page.

Newsletters out now

Our latest Newsletter is available to download:
Newsletter October 2014 Issue
(.pdf 2.2Mb)

Previous issues:

Newsletter November 2013 Issue (.pdf 1.6Mb)
Newsletter June 2013 Issue (.pdf 2.1Mb)
Newsletter December 2012 Issue (.pdf .3Mb)
Newsletter September 2012 Issue (.pdf .6Mb)
Newsletter May 2012 Issue (.pdf 2.2Mb)
Newsletter January 2012 Issue (.pdf 2.2Mb)
Newsletter August 2011 Issue (.pdf 3.8Mb)
Newsletter February 2011 Issue (.pdf 580k)
Newsletter September 2010 Issue (.pdf .9Mb)
Newsletter May 2010 Issue (.pdf 3.1Mb)
Newsletter January 2010 Issue (.pdf 1.2Mb)
Newsletter October 2009 Issue (.pdf 1.3Mb)
Newsletter July 2009 Issue
(.pdf 1.4Mb)
Newsletter April 2009 Issue (.pdf 740k)
Newsletter January 2009 Issue (.pdf 800k)
Newsletter October 2008 Issue
(.pdf 800k)
Newsletter Juy 2008 Issue
(.pdf 76k)
Newsletter April 2008 Issue
(.pdf 65k)

The Design Group on video

Watch the Countryside Commission's video Village Views: Making Local Character Count in New Development –featuring our Village Design Statement – online at:

Minutes available online

From July 2008, approved minutes of committee meetings will be available here...

Updated Village Design Statement adopted

The Cottenham Village Design Statement was first publised in 1994. Since then both the village and planning legislation have evolved. The document has now been updated to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

After public consultation, the revised Cottenham Village Design Statement was adopted by South Cambridgeshire District Council on 14 November 2007.

Copies of the update document were distributed to all households in Cottenham.

Please email us to join or to find out more.

We aim to ensure that development and change in Cottenham is based on a considered understanding of the Village's past and present, and that it will contribute positively to the future of the Village, protecting and enhancing its special nature

Download the Village Design Statement (2007)
2.9 Mb Acrobat PDF file
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